Preparing for Tomorrow’s Disaster by Planning Today
Share your expertise with healthcare emergency managers at a recognized conference. Accepted presenters will receive:
· Recognition on the conference website with a headshot photo, biography, and sessiondescription.
· Follow-up survey results and comments related to your presentation.
· The unparalleled opportunity to give back to the healthcare emergency management community.
Beyond being technically qualified and committed to ethical practices, healthcare EM’s are leaders. NCDS is seeking skills-focused presentations for all career levels.
The workplace environment is constantly changing and evolving. NCDS is seeking presentations addressing the latest issues and trends impacting the healthcare emergency management industry.
Facility Trends and Issues
Workplace Trends and Issues
Choosing a career in emergency management can be challenging in today’s healthcare environment. NCDS is seeking career development topics that will help healthcare EM’s at all career stages achieve their highest potential.
Business basics
Networking and interpersonal relationships
These are engaging 45-50 minute presentations, give presenters a chance to share their ideas, experiences and perspectives gleaned from their research, practice or experience and/or focus. They should provide the audience with opportunities for participation and engagement.
A moderated, interactive session that brings together 3 or more panelists to engage participants in discussion.
There are limited slots for this session format.
· If selected, you must accept/decline the invitation to present by the deadline given in the notification.
· Once you hit the submit application button, your proposal has been submitted and you WILL NOT be able to make changes.
· If you are submitting multiple proposals, you will have to re-enter all your data.
· Make your description compelling and authentic. Don’t be afraid to discuss failures as this is where the most learning takes place.
· Presenters will not engage in commercial presentations of their organization.
When filling out the form please be sure to fill out all required fields. If you have multiple speakers, you must enter speaker information for each speaker. If your submission is incomplete, it will disqualify the session for consideration. View/use the Call for Presentations Template to build your proposal before you enter it into the system. If you have any questions, contact
Speaker Info: Name, Designation, Title, Company, Bio, Headshot, Social Media Handles
Contact Info: Email, Phone, Address, Departure Airport/City, Link to your Website
Course Info: Title & Category of Presentation, Abstract, Learning Objectives, Description
Applications will be judged on their educational merits, relevance and timeliness for the industry, and prior survey results (if applicable). An email will be sent to each Applicant notifying them of the final selection status of their proposal.
Through the various processes, the following criteria will be used in determining which topics will be included in the program:
· Is the content current and practical?
· Is the topic useful to the audience?
· Will the topic be presented without marketing a specific product, brand, or service?
Copyright © North Carolina Disaster Symposium - All Rights Reserved.
The NCDS planning committee is actively looking for presenters for the 2024 NC Disaster Symposium.